Friday, November 13, 2015

The Metric System

The Metric System

The metric system has never really been fully implemented in the United States. 
That was never Congress' intention when they enacted that law.  The whole idea of introducing a "new" measurement system was conceived and designed to confuse the American consumers.  They never intended to adopt the metric system, they intended to rip off the general public, in the name of "conforming to the rest of the world."  If we were so magnanimous and flexible, why is the rest of the world STILL manufacturing products for the United States market, using our "old" standards of weights and measures?  Why is gasoline still sold by the gallon?  Ounces of whatever we choose to consume are clearly marked on our product labels.  The metric conversion is a humongous boondoggle, foisted on an unwilling public by "public servants" who do nothing if they cannot be first in the service line. We, the people should demand an end to the confusion and theft of our money and our freedom to choose.