Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Biggest Losers

I feel cheated. 
I have been watching television for the past fifty years. 
During that time, I have been led to believe that when I got to the age
I am today, there would be shows I would enjoy watching, much as
the shows my father and mother enjoyed when I went to bed as a child.
Shows like "Gunsmoke" or "Bonanza", or "Perry Mason".  Now here I
am, fifty years later, and the great television "wasteland"  has indeed become
just that...a wasteland. Or to use a painfully obvious pun, waist-land. It seems
that America has evolved as a nation.  Where we were once sveldt, slim folks,
with an occasional fatty with a hormonal disease, now we are gross, fat slobs. 
We eat until we cannot eat any more, and then go for dessert.  After we have
gorged ourselves into grotesque caricatures of our former selves, we spurn
pitying looks and insist that we are entitled to even larger presences; we are
so fat as a nation, that there is an over-abundance of potential contestants for
a television, a television series about fat people losing weight.  With
such a clever title, how could we possibly resist watching, right?  WRONG. 
I am the Biggest Loser.
You are the Biggest Loser. 
We all have lost the entertainment value of television, as it makes bigger and
bigger stars of people who didn't have the self respect and common sense to
control their diets in the first place.  These people are not stars.  They are
(pardon this pun) really losers. They ate and ate, and when they had done so
much damage to themselves that their lives were seriously in danger, they
found that our society would actually cheer them on for doing something they
should have done for themselves anyway. 

And throw money and fame at them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cowboy Slim, I agree with you, I came to read and I read what you wrote. It made became a better reader...therefore I read your opinion and have concluded that reading is not so bad...That said, I still agree with you and also think TV today is a "Waste-Land" like you said...that said... I'm selling my TV...
